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A TEMPO | Espaço (Space)

©Filipe Ferreira
Past event
Dates and Schedules

19 to 22 February
Wednesday to Saturday, 7:30pm


Sala Mário Viegas


40 min


€12 with discounts (Covered by the Culture Pass - available only at the Theater ticket office)

Age Restriction


Portuguese Sign Language Audio Description Relaxed Session

Shows and conference with interpretation in Portuguese Sign Language.

Shows with Portuguese subtitles
19 to 22 February, Wednesday to Saturday, 7.30pm

All the shows have Poetic audio commentary.


In Espaço, André Murraças and Mia Menezes ask what the relationship with the other is like: why is it so fundamental? ‘It is in the encounter with the other that we found ourselves as beings and found the world we share. The other, in their difference, shouts out our condition as outcasts. We find a common space in the cadence of the days that we live,’ they say.
This is an encounter in the dark. They are two strangers who have never worked together or known each other before this opportunity. They are two artists with different lives, obviously, but they both feel the stage is their home. They take rehearsals as a place of discovery, as they haven’t done for a long time. ‘There was no classic text to memorise, no renowned or emerging director, no theatre festival trends. There was time to think together, to test out nonsense. We worked remotely, by message, then live, with schedules. Sometimes over coffee, yes and then? This way yes, this way no. You write, I write, do you want to come in here, or would this look good on stage, no? We’ll see how it goes. Always marked by an urgency to be seen, heard and read. Yes, we need your attention.’


In this show, strobe lights are used.



A Tempo | Triptych on idleness

“We’ve never met. We’ve never exchanged a word or a gesture, but without knowing it, we’re going to spend three weeks together.” A Tempo is a multidisciplinary creation in three acts that challenges three pairs of artists from different languages to work around the same motto: the relationship between ‘being and time’. Without ever meeting, each duo works towards this common performative object that mirrors three different axes – Communication, Space and Memory – the need to rethink time and the quality of relationships. Curated by Marco Paiva, A Tempo brings together André Uerba and Tony Weaver (Communication), André Murraças and Mia Menezes (Space) and Raquel André and Aliu Baio (Memory).



Support for publicity  

Cast and Creative

Curated by Marco Paiva Created by André Murraças and Mia Menezes Portuguese Sign Language interpretation Bárbara Pollastri Poetic audio commentary Cintya Floriani Consultants Diana Niepce – Disability Arts, Maria Vlachou – Acesso Cultura Executive producer Nuno Pratas /// Project funded by Direção Geral das Artes Co-production Culturproject – Gestão de projetos culturais, Terra Amarela and São Luiz Teatro Municipal


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