In the Antiprincesas cycle, Cláudia Gaiolas also talks about Portuguese women who have left their mark in history. Leonor, Marquesa de Alorna, had her childhood marked by the public execution of her grandparents, the Marquises of Távora, accused of an alleged attempt against King D. José and the consequent imprisonment of her entire family. At the age of 8, she was sent to the convent of São Félix in Chelas, where she remained until she was 26 years old. There, Leonor kept a secret correspondence with her father, who tried to educate her from a distance. She became a consecrated writer and a woman who never let herself be dominated, challenging political power and the Church in search of justice and freedom.
Cláudia Gaiolas
11 and 12 September
Saturday and Sunday, 11am and 4pm
Estufa Fria
30 min.
Free entry, subject to capacity, with prior ticket collection
Target audience: 6A
Cast and Creative
Direction Cláudia Gaiolas Interpretation Leonor Cabral Dramaturgy Alex Cassal Scenography Carla Martinez Costumes Ainhoa Vidal Sonoplasty Teresa Gentil Executive Production Armando Valente /// Commissioned by São Luiz Teatro Municipal and EGEAC – Programação em Espaço Público, in co-production with Teatro Municipal do Porto and Teatro meia volta e depois à esquerda quando eu disser /// Inserted in the Lisboa na Rua 2021 Program