when you spend a lifetime repressing yourself in one area, you’re sure to repress others.
it’s time to undo the knot that I didn’t know existed (yes, I did).
why can’t i touch other people when i…?
why do i get confused when there is more?
why do i freeze?
what are the consequences of all this repression… what other damage has it wrought?
Dana Michel
In this solo performance, Dana Michel seeks to understand how to define her sexual identity within a multiplicity of complementary and seemingly contradictory identities – as performer, mother, daughter, lover, stranger? CUTLASS SPRING is a wandering and a game, both enhanced by the use of everyday objects. It uses humour to deal with different layers of identity, without resorting to stereotypes.
Dana Michel is a choreographer and performer. Her work relates improvisation, sculpture, hip-hip, comedy, film, dub and social commentary to create a centrifugal experience. She lives in Montréal, Canada.