In music, it is customary to say that major chords are happy and minor chords are sad. It is also customary to say that farewells are sad and celebrations are happy. However, this is not always the case. A major chord can contain within itself all the sadness in the world, just as we can find the opposite in a minor. If farewells are sad, it is because they imply that we are parting from something that was good, that marked us. Celebrations, on the other hand, also tend to be melancholic, if only because we know that eventually they will end and everything will return to normal. This concert is therefore neither a celebration nor a farewell. It is a meeting for the giant Dead Combo family – who have accompanied them, on stage and in the audience, over many years. It is also a space to embrace joy and sadness – the joy of telling a rich and unforgettable legacy, with the sadness of the absence of our friend Pedro Gonçalves, who, despite having left us, in music and in memories, is always with us.