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Pigmalião Escultura que Mexe (Brasil)
©Henning Photo
Past event
Dates and Schedules

31 May, 1 and 2 June
Friday and Saturday, 7:30 pm; Sunday, 6 pm


Sala Mário Viegas




€12 with discounts (Covered by the Culture Pass - available only at the Theater ticket office)

Age Restriction



Language: Portuguese


It was the night of time, the pagan genesis, before man got rid of his hooves, his horns, his animal side. It was the time after darkness, the world was full of the fruits of the earth and the galaxy was regenerating after the cataclysm. Everyone wanted to believe that a more generous world was possible, despite the monsters that inhabited us, despite the lurking predators that always want to devour us.

This show uses classic puppets and old fables to portray and try to understand what is happening today, in addition to combating the rise to power of histrionic, ridiculous, cruel and populist figures. The human body and the animal body, the living and the artificial, the flesh and the wood, the threads and the blood are here tools to open new spaces for discussion, as even fables require a certain protocol before the massacre.

Fábulas Antropofágicas para Dias Fascistas is a scenic project that uses wire puppets and hyper-realistic silicone masks, crossing visual arts, theater and contemporary philosophy to reflect on the historical moment in which we live, based on the mix of Aesop’s Fables, with the works of Márcia Tiburi , philosopher, artist, teacher, writer and researcher of fascism.
The humor is born from absurd situations, unexpected metaphors, which seek to make the public reflect on the mechanisms of power in their daily lives, through situations in which animals devour each other.

With this piece, as with all the others in his repertoire, Pigmalião seeks to provoke the public, who generally underestimate the cathartic power of puppets, to reflect on situations they practice or are victims of, without them realizing it.
This show seeks the recognition of puppet theater as an artistic support for contemporary art, through the friction between the living and the artificial, between the human and the non-human. The puppets become critical mirrors, disguised by the naivety wrongly attributed to them. The Anthropophagic Fables will, therefore, be shown to an adult audience, in the hope of
help you understand the subtleties of the power that overwhelms you.



Pigmalião Escultura Que Mexe is a collective of artists who found in puppet theater the ideal vehicle to develop work on the boundary between the performing arts and the plastic arts. Created in 2007 and based in the city of Belo Horizonte, the group has always sought to develop shows with conceptual and philosophical depth.

His trajectory is closely linked to contemporary theater and the performing arts, where philosophy and politics pass through the dramaturgy and staging of his shows. The possibilities of manipulating the classical string puppet, as well as the relationship between the actors and the puppets and the constant research with other artistic disciplines are the fundamental elements of his work. Thus, Pigmalião Escultura que Mexe seeks the recognition of the puppet in contemporary artistic production.
Eduardo Felix, the artistic director of Pigmalião, focuses much of his research and his shows on the movement of string puppets, being internationally recognized as an artist and puppet maker.



Cast and Creative

Staging Eduardo Felix Dramaturgy Eduardo Felix, Márcia Bechara, freely inspired by the work of Aesop and Márcia Tiburi Interpreters Eduardo Felix, Mauro de Carvalho,  Igor Godinho, Liz Schrickte Design and sculpture of the puppets Eduardo Felix Construction of puppets Eduardo Felix, Mauro Carvalho, Márcio Miranda Modeling of silicone parts Aurora Majnoni, Tom Pazzo Light Design Marina Arthuzzi Scenography and contribution to the staging Igor Godinho Sound design Eduardo Felix Construction of objects Eduardo Felix, Márcio Miranda, Aurora Majnoni, Liz Schrickte, Igor Godinho, Matheus Carvalho Puppet Painting Analu Alves, Eduardo Felix Costumes Eduardo Felix seamstress Camila Polatscheck Graphic designer Liz Schrickte Photographs Henning Photo, Paolo Castaldi Coproduction Festival Mondial des Théâtres de Marionnettes de Charleville-Mézières, L’Usinotopie, Fabrique des Arts de la Marionnette Technique Marionetas de fios


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