In Má Educação – Peça em 3 Rounds, the stage is transformed into a boxing ring. A grand piano accompanies the fights as a neutral referee who dialogues with those who are facing each other and also with the music you hear. On stage, a dancer, an actress and a child, three different generations that come into play in different tensions and disputes: who teaches what to whom? Who prepares whom and for what future? Who accepts to withdraw to make way for another who arrives? A mirror of Education: the tension between teachers and students, between future and past, between the school that exists and the one we want. A show by Inês Barahona and Miguel Fragata, with choreography by Victor Hugo Pontes, where theater and dance seek the revolution that will make the future.
Má Educação (Bad Education)
PLAY IN 3 ROUNDSInês Barahona and Miguel Fragata Formiga Atómica IN COLABORATION WITH VICTOR HUGO PONTES

16 and 17 December
Friday, 20h; Saturday, 15h e 20h
12 to 15 December
Monday to Thursday, 14h30
Target audience: secondary and college
Sala Luis Miguel Cintra
€7 adults, €3 children
Target audience: 10+
in all sessions
Bilingual show, in Portuguese with interpretation into Portuguese Sign Language.
17 December, Saturday, 15h and 20h
Cast and Creative
Staging Miguel Fragata Text Inês Barahona Choreography Victor Hugo Pontes Interpretation Ana de Oliveira e Silva, Carla Galvão and Teresa Gentil Special Participation Vitória Fragata Interpretation in Portuguese Sign Language Valentina Carvalho and Cláudia Braga Music Hélder Gonçalves Light Design Rui Monteiro Scenography Fernando Ribeiro construction of scenography Josué Maia Costumes José António Tenente Sound Design Nelson Carvalho Sound Operation Nelson Carvalho and Tiago Correia Light Operation and technical direction Luís Ribeiro Orientation of research workshops Inês Barahona, Vera Alvelos and Manuela Pedroso Executive Production Luna Rebelo and Sofia Bernardo Communication Maria Salgado and Rita Tomás (consulting) video documentary Joana X and Nuno Marques Production Formiga Atómica Co-production Teatro Municipal Do Porto . Campo Alegre, A Oficina/Centro Cultural Vila Flor and São Luiz Teatro Municipal Support PNA – Plano Nacional das Artes, CCB – Centro Cultural de Belém, CEA – Centro de Experimentação Artística da Moita, EGEAC Galerias Municipais, Fundação Arpad-Szenes Vieira da Silva /// Formiga Atómica is a structure supported by the Ministério da Cultura | Direção-Geral das Artes Acknowledgments Ana Lobato, Joana Costa Santos, Causas Comuns, Marina Deus, VITORIA – Nobre Arte