Director Miguel Loureiro and actress Beatriz Batarda bring back the play they premiered here in 2017. A walk by São Luiz, inspired in the mythical Sarah Bernhardt, who performed in this Theatre in 1899, as Miguel Loureiro describes it: “First and foremost this is an itinerary. Through the memory of an actress, of a theatre, of a theatre ghost. Through an emblematic body crossed by tenths of biographies and studies; what can still echo?”
By Miguel Loureiro4 to 14 April
Wednesday to Sunday, 19h
Percurso por vários espaços do Teatro
50 min
Cast and Creative
Text, direction and scenic space Miguel Loureiro Interpretation Beatriz Batarda Special participation and Costume coordination Vera Kalantrupmann Lighting design Daniel Worm d’ Assumpção Assistant director Rafael Rodrigues Executive production Nuno Pratas/Culturproject Commissioned by São Luiz Teatro Municipal in Co-production with Théâtre de La Ville “Chantiers D’Europe”