At Pharmacia Poética, poetic prescriptions are prescribed according to each person’s pathologies and afflictions. There’s no paracetamol here, just poemacetamol tablets that offer hope and comfort and can be consumed in silence or out loud. Words also heal and for all the pains of the soul a literary remedy can be offered.
Based on an original concept by Welsh poet Deborah Alma, which dates back to 2011, Pharmacia Poética has now taken on a new dimension by setting up a kiosk in front of the theatre, where patients are offered a wide range of poetic remedies in the form of books classified by emotion. The pharmacist on duty is available to fill prescriptions for all ailments, which can also be complemented with coffee and cakes from Fauna & Flora. The aim, as in Deborah Alma’s original Emergency Poet project, is to counter the preconceived idea that poetry is difficult, obscure and elitist and, above all, to promote its therapeutic effects on mental health, which are unknown to many people. Small gestures in Public Space.
The Poetic Consultations and the Poetic Pharmacy are parallel programmes to Pessoa – Since I’ve been me.