“I know all about love, really.” A creation by Victor Hugo Pontes that turns a literary classic inside out, so you can see its seams clearly. Starting from Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, Victor Hugo Pontes builds, in his unique choreographic language, a work where movement is linked to words. With an original text by Joana Craveiro, adolescence (contemporary, not Elizabethan) is placed in the background, because that is where everything happens for the first time. Conducted by documental and affective research, we enter the rooms of those who are initiated into the idea of “love forever”, a time of excesses and long nights. We also enter the kaleidoscopic universe of a choreographer who does not shy away from yet another creative exercise based on a classic (as he did with Chekhov and Pirandello), nor from yet another incursion into the life experiences of those who built this show with him (such as Margem or Meio no Meio). Because it is Infinite constitutes, finally, a reflection on the language we use to define a verb – to love – that is so difficult to conjugate. “Love? This is exactly what?”