We challenged Teatro Praga to create a performance for the celebration of the 125 years of São Luiz. Deeming it appropriate to revisit musically the history of a theatre venue that lived silent films transitioning to sound, saw Antoine and Sarah Bernhardt, lived through fires and reconstructions and was renamed thrice, this company created a musical and, as in many of their works, revisits it with a critical distance that allows them to go a lot further than a mere eulogist celebration, and is able to rethink the role of the theatre in our time and in the city we inhabit today.
Teatro Praga10 to 18 May
Monday to Saturday, 21h
Sunday, 17h30
Conversation with the team:
Sunday, 12 May, after the performance
Sala Luis Miguel Cintra
€12 to €15 with discounts
Age rate pending
Sunday, 12 May, 17h30
Cast and Creative
A performance by Teatro Praga With André e. Teodósio, Joana Barrios, Cláudia Jardim, João Duarte, Diogo Bento, Joana Manuel, José Raposo, and others Commissioned by São Luiz Teatro Municipal in co-production with Teatro Praga