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Speak Low

Foco Maestro: Martim Sousa Tavares
Dates and Schedules

12 to 14 December
Thursday to Saturday, 7:30 pm


Sala Mário Viegas


€12, reduced prices available | (Covered by the Culture Pass - available only at the Theater ticket office)

Age Restriction



Speak Low focusses on the figure of Kurt Weill and his trajectory, at once tragic and fascinating, told and sung in multiple voices by Catarina Wallenstein. Based on Weill’s music and the poetry that shapes it, we follow the transitions experienced by the musician, like a 20th-century Orpheus, from Weimar to Nazi Germany and, lastly, to the United States, and the journey that they represent both as an artist and as a human being. The show includes a film projection by Adriana Romero and, on stage, there are four musicians, as well as Catarina Wallenstein as narrator and singer. The text and musical arrangements are by Martim Sousa Tavares, variations on themes from Kurt Weill’s songbook.

Foco Maestro is a project by Teatro São Luiz, in which a conductor is invited every year to decide on certain programming moments. In 2024, Martim Sousa Tavares has free rein, and will present five different proposals between February and December.

Cast and Creative

Script and musical director Martim Sousa Tavares Performed by Catarina Wallenstein Video directed by Adriana Romero Musical performance by Orquestra Sem Fronteiras – Sérgio Gladkyy (accordion), Tomás Longo (percussion), Francisco Cipriano (percussion) Partners/Supported by Idanha-a-Nova Municipality, Centro Cultural Raiano


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